Introducing JUMPSEC New Managed Vulnerability Scanning
Managed Vulnerability Scanning helps you reduce risk from cyber threat by regularly identifying and managing vulnerabilities. It increases visibility and management of discovered vulnerabilities and helps reduce risk to organisations on a continuous basis.
To learn more about what Managed Vulnerability Scanning is please take a look at the video below:
Because no two organisations are the same JUMPSEC has created three modular Managed Vulnerability Scanning services to cover a wide range of different sized companies, risk profiles and desired level of security posture.
Sam Temple JUMPSEC MD said “We’ve worked very closely with our existing Managed Vulnerability Customers, recognising that while the challenges they face may be the same, their risk profiles are made up of different elements that make them unique. Therefore, we have created three different Managed Vulnerability Scanning services that recognise different customer attributes.
Benefits of Managed Vulnerability Scanning include:
- Mitigation of the risk of cyber threats by identification and classification of vulnerabilities.
- Visibility of vulnerabilities to helps plan remediation activities
- Saves valuable time with our expert analysis
- Higher levels of security without the cost of investment in infrastructure or people to run the service in house.
You can also find out more about Managed Vulnerability Scanning here.